Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How is the HSPT Scored

How is the HSPT Scored The High School Placement Test is a comprehensive exam offered to 8th graders. The test is available in two formats: closed and open. The closed exam is leased, or rented, by a high school to provide its students with materials and scoring on a national measure. The test assesses quantitative and verbal skills, as well as mathematics, language, and reading. Closed exams may also include sections devoted to science and mechanical aptitude. The open test is a previous addition of a closed exam that is evaluated by the school that offers it. However, the resulting data is equivalent. Here are some great tips on how to succeed on the HSPT. What does my score report include? Each student receives their standard scores, local and national percentiles, and grade equivalents for each of the skill subtests: language, mathematics, quantitative, reading, and verbal. The national average is presented as a percentageif you earn an 86%, 86% of individuals scored below you on this test. These are some great study strategies for HSPT successthat you may want to take a look at. Grade equivalents As stated above, the score report notes grade equivalents, which may be confusing. If an 8th grade student earns a 10 GE (grade equivalent) on the mathematics portion, this does not mean that the student can perform 10th grade mathematics. Instead, the GE signifies that the individual in question can do 8th grade mathematics as well as an average high school sophomore can. The HSPT assesses skills up to and including 8th gradenot beyond. Grade equivalents are not a reflection of the students grasp of future curriculum. Cognitive skills quotients Cognitive skills quotients (CSQ) are often interpreted as replacements for IQ results, but they are not interchangeable. CSQ may be utilized by a high school to predict an individuals academic performance, rather than his or her innate intelligence. Unlike IQ tests, the HSPT solely measures quantitative and verbal subject areas, in addition to various learning skills. Course placement Many high schools also rely upon individual subtest results to place students in classes. Therefore, if your marks are high in verbal, but low in mathematics, you may be enrolled in appropriate, differentiated courses, provided your institution offers those options.If you find yourself struggling in your HSPT studies you may want to consider an HSPT tutorto help you prepare. Potentially questionable averages Take care with local percentiles on your score report. The pool of test-takers may be much smaller or larger than you realize. It may be as small as the classroom you tested in, or as large as the entire state. The score report typically does not include this information, but the average may be skewed as a result of the testing groups size. When studying, keep in mind that local percentiles actually tip cut off results for certain classes and school programs in your favor, as they are variable. If no one in your middle school understood question six, you may still be average or above average.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Instantly Improve Your School Grades With Education Consultants

How to Instantly Improve Your School Grades With Education Consultants 0SHARESShare When the exam appears coming up, you would really find professional guidance and academic assistant who works to instantly improve your school grades. You can seek guidance from professional education consultants, private tutors or online tutoring  services in this matter. Let’s find out how help instantly improving your school grades with education consultants: Develop Good Study Habits: They cultivate good study habits like forming a practice to read every day instead of cramming the night before the test. They form a habit to review your notes and readings that you learnt throughout the year. They help writing practice test papers and assignments with enough time to spend reviewing them before your turn to appear for the test. Guide you to manage large projects like academic and research papers. Develop the Mindset: Developing mindset is very important with the simple equation as the way you move towards your studies determine how better you can perform. Consultant and private online tutors  help you to set achievable goals. They identify challenging but achievable goals like finishing your homework and assignment before class, pursue extra credit assignments. They keep you motivated especially making you understand boring and difficult lessons. They strengthen your weak subjects thus keeping your grade score above average to a certain level. They work one-to-one to keep you committed towards your education. Help in Time Management: Good time management and remain well-organized are two important traits for student to succeed any difficult exam. The academic consultants and private tutoring online helps you effective time management practices like tracking your class schedule and important deadlines. They help you complete homework help and assignments on time saving more time to spend in other productive work. They help reduce clutter in your notes, binders making you intuitive and efficient. [starbox id=admin]

How to Find a Good Online Tutor and Tutoring Services

How to Find a Good Online Tutor and Tutoring Services 0SHARESShare Online tutoring can become a pleasant experience for you if your choice of tutor is good. It is obvious that you are seeking additional help because your class teacher at school is not devoting enough time on you. The first characteristic to look for in an online tutor is enthusiasm. Traditional classroom teachers go by first impressions. If you fail to come up to the teacher’s expectations in the beginning of a school session you might soon find yourself ignored during classes. This creates a vicious circle. You do not understand class lessons because now you do not feel confident enough to seek help from your teacher. You are seeking online tutoring exactly because of this reason. Under these circumstances when you go for online tutoring talk to all the tutors at various online schools. This is best done with a video chat through a web camera. Facial expressions and body language play an important part in communications. Go for online tutoring which gives constant progress reports. See if there is an improvement in your performance in class. Talk to your tutor constantly and if he or she is creative and allows you to work independently you will soon see improvement in your grades. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Kinds of Triangles

Kinds of Triangles On the basis of the length of their sides triangles can be classified into three types: 1. Scalene triangle: The triangles having all their sides of different lengths are known as scalene triangles. 2. Isosceles triangle: The triangles that have two of their sides equal in length are known as isosceles triangles. 3. Equilateral triangle: They have all the three sides equal in length to each other. Example 1: Identify the following triangles as scalene, isosceles or equilateral triangle. a. Triangle PQR with sides PQ = 15 cm, QR = 15 cm, RA = 15 cm. b. Triangle DEF with sides DE = 11 inches, EF = 10 inches, FD = 11 inches. c. Triangle ABC with sides AB = 5 cm, BC = 7 cm, CA = 6 cm. Solution: a. The lengths of all the three sides of the triangle are equal. Thus triangle PQR is equilateral. b. Since the lengths of two sides DE and FD are equal to each other, thus triangle DEF is isosceles. c. In triangle ABC all the sides are of different lengths, so this triangle is scalene. Example 2: The sum of the three sides of triangle XYZ is 36 cm. If YZ = 12 cm, ZX = 13 cm then what type of triangle is XYZ? Solution: It is given that the sum of the three sides of a triangle is 36 cm. Thus, XY+YZ+ZX = 36 XY+12+13 = 36 XY+25-25 = 36 - 25 XY = 11 Since the length of all the sides of triangle XYZ is different, this triangle is scalene.

TESL Canada Innovation Award

TESL Canada Innovation Award On June 9th, 2017, TESL Canada awarded my  Actively Engaged Series of ESL textbooks with the TESL Canada Innovation Award. See my other awards here. The Awards Committee said this about my  three books: The Actively Engaged series for intermediate level students in academic preparation and college level English courses integrates reading and listening activities with grammar lessons, card games, information gaps, simulations, and writing projects. Throughout the books, language structures are taught and practiced step-by-step for meaningful use in the complex speaking and writing tasks required at the intermediate level and above. The varied activities are interactive and motivating. The books themselves are easy to navigate and well designed. Nicholas Walker with his Actively Engaged Series and the 2017 TESL Canada Innovation Award Please follow and like us:

Critical Reasoning Question 16-Editorials - Private Tutoring

Critical Reasoning Question 16-Editorials BobbiM Feb 17, 2014 This editorial cannot be a good argument because it is barely literate.  Run-on sentences, slang, and perfectly dreadful grammar appear regularly throughout.  Anything that poorly written cannot be making very much sense. Which of the following identifies an assumption in the argument above? A.  This editorial was written by someone other than the usual editor. B.  Generally speaking, very few editorials are poor in style or grammar. C.  The language of an argument is indicative of its validity. D.  Generally speaking, the majority of editorials are poor in style and grammar. E.  The author of the editorial purposely uses poor grammar to disguise what he knows is a bad argument. Think you know the answer? The correct answer is C. The authors claim that the editorials argument is no good because it is poorly written depends on the assumption hat an arguments validity is related to its use of language.  After all, if an arguments language didnt indicate its validity, the authors argument wouldnt make any sense at all. (A)s not assumed because the argument doesnt concern whos to blame for the bad editorial.  (B) and (D) fail because the argument addresses this editorial only, so theres nothing assumed about what happens generally.  And (E) goes too far: The author neednt assume that the writer deliberately wrote badly to hide a bad argument, just that, as (C) says, the poor writing indicates a poor argument.

This calculator shows how much you can earn teaching English online (Hint Its a lot!)

This calculator shows how much you can earn teaching English online (Hint It’s a lot!) Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of reader questions about how much money you can actually make teaching English online. ? Looking for your first job after graduation? Trying to make some money in between jobs? Fancy the life of a digital nomad? Are you a working teacher interested in supplementing your income? How about a graduate student? Online English teaching jobs are rising in popularity as an option for all types of people. And for good reason. For pretty much everyone we’ve mentioned above, teaching English online is the perfect side gig because: You can do it in your own time You can do it from anywhere You can easily build it into your lifestyle All you need is to be a fluent English speaker and hold a bachelor’s degree (in any major) and you can get started in no time at all! So let’s talk numbers. How much money you can make teaching English online depends largely on how many hours you want to put in, which will vary depending on where you’re located. Hourly rates for teaching English online Generally speaking, you can earn anywhere from $14 - 23/hour, depending on the company you teach with. Because most students are located in Asia and especially concentrated in China, here’s a quick example of peak teaching hours for people located in North America on EST and PST time zones: To save you having to do the math, though, we’ve created this handy free online teaching salary calculator to help you figure out how much you can make teaching English online in a month: Caveat: This blog post doesn’t cover salary ranges for online college instructors (around $1,500 USD for each semester-length course taught, if you’re feeling curious). It also doesn’t delve into how much online K12 teachers can make. Virtual elementary and high school teachers earn $40,00 USD and up - that’s a similar yearly base salary to other licensed K12 teachers at public schools.

3 Things To Know About Working Online Or Remotely

3 Things To Know About Working Online Or Remotely pexels.com Create yourself a work space. Working online or working remotely can be great because you do not have to travel to an office every day. You do not have to commute. You have options. You get to choose where you want to work. Ostensibly, you can probably work wherever you have a decent WiFi connection. But what is important is establishing yourself a space that is designated for work. Besides being convenient, this space needs to be a spot where you can be productive and get done what you need to get done. Whatever works best for you is always the best choice. Just because you work remotely does not mean you have to work at home. Maybe you cannot resist the temptation of the TV in your living room. Maybe whoever you share your living space with is not quiet or considerate of your working time. Find the place where you can be your best, whether that is sitting in bed, at your desk, on your couch, the local library, a nearby coffee shop you name it. Just remember that it is important to keep a separation of your space and time between work and recreation. Limit distractions. Even though you are working online or remotely and you have no one to check up on you as you work, you still need to monitor yourself and make sure your distractions are limited so you get done the work that you have to get done. This can be a big factor that influences what location you choose as your workspace. Whatever kind of environment you need to foster in order to be productive, make sure that you have it. Do you need music blasting with a certain beat to stay focused? Play it. Do you need absolute silence and stillness? Find a quiet spot. Do not convince yourself that playing a few episodes of Criminal Minds while you work in the background is just white noise. Is having internet a distraction for you? You can try and block certain websites from your computer for particular times of the day when you are scheduled to work. You can turn your phone off or make it silence notifications. The most important thing is that you get your work done when you need to. pexels.com Stay on track. It can be really easy to get too relaxed about your job when you work online or remotely. There is no one constantly checking up on you as you are doing your work. You can work in your pajamas lying in bed eating ice cream if you want. Do not get caught up in the freedom and independence that working online or remotely can give you. At the end of the day, this company is putting their trust in you that you will get your work completed and completed when it is due. You do not want to fall behind and not get the work done that you made a commitment to do. If you are too lax with yourself, your productivity could plummet. And because this company is putting so much faith in you by allowing you to work from home, relatively unmonitored, they will be quick to let you go if you are not meeting their standards or getting their work assignments completed. Do what you have to in order to stay motivated and get your work done. Have to time yourself? Set goals and rewards? Have a written down checklist? Keep everything organized in a planner? Do what it takes to work or you will soon find yourself fired, unemployed, and without money or a reference. Avoid this at all costs and just stay on track with your work. Find the process that works for you and stick with it.